
P-farth Complete: Fail?

we gave negative nancy the boot; deciding to cut to the chase.

what have we learned:

.use the side you meant to use when you were sanding
.obsessive clean up leaves you without the heavy line you had to begin with, so be prepared
.having more than a week and a half is better
.getting shit done is still the shit and you can eat it, that orange and blue make sexy sexy time all over the sloppy purple 3rds
.feel that sexy time!
.sexy time in mind and successful use of photoshop to make something semi-successful for the first time EVAH makes this print
GOOD>no fail=GOOD.
suck it purple print eater, suck it

we like that.
ohs, i made myself feel better

1 comment:

  1. Oooh! So sorbet on wooden panel-lovely! Man, I'm a sucker for the sorbet-tones. Where'd you aquire that sexy chunk-a-wood? Did you stain it yourself, woman?

    Printing on this hunk of wood reminds me, I found this brilliant paper you might be interested in. It's 2 super thinly cut pieces of wood, that seem to have a thin bit of plastic laminated between them for flexibility. S'like a regular sheet of thick paper, but made out of wood. I found it at my local art store in the train /miniatures building section. I'm going to attempt some gocco prints on it. I'll let you know how they turn out. Good work lady, this piece is DEAD SEXY.
