
How many licks?

One two... three!
(update on the deer on a p-farth)

I got three colours laid on my piece for the show next week. That means, there is only ONE left--which I'll have to ask my boss to print out so I can get a saturated film, my other films were sort of half-assed---a bit of luck in the wash out room.

I was impressed at my ability to scavange for wood in my apartment's attic; and impressed at my ability to sand off tons of filth and plaster to reveal a relatively decent piece of material; and impressed at how i managed to rocket through this sanding and staining in two nights while managing to lock myself out of my apartment for a few hours...

despite all this my carpenter skills still sort of suck balls and i forgot to notice before i printed the first colour.

the printed side was the side previously covered with plaster because it had less 'dings' in it that the other side. but, i sort of didn't properly sand that side. i sort of...went all over the place. which you can see. you totally can see that shit. the stain ate it up.

oh who cares.
my colours from almost *gasp* 3 years ago, still are lovely.

3 colours down. 1 to go. and a sealant.

1 comment:

  1. daaaamn that shit is nice!!! Your carpenter skills do suck a little balls, but you shouldn't worry, little ball sucker. Your screen printing is your strong suit anyway.

    Thanks for the coffee, by the way.
