
bike winter art show update, print co-ops?, culture and agriculture submission

pushing deadlines again. i have just received one of the most professionally blown out screens to date while simultaneously writing out a budget to build a light table for the home for summer printing. seems like it's the best option. regardless, the film worked out fine, all the fine lines took and i can't wait to lay it down on the wood and start fillin her in. upon going to the lumberyard today, with a small amount in my pocketbook, i was unable to purchase the wood i need and will have to get it tomorrow morning instead. however, Steven has been kind enough to let me throw it up the day of the single showing, instead of mail it, essentially giving me an extension unknowingly. huzzah.

i will say this is an absurd amount of work for a such a small amount of actual showing time. but it has put me back into working mode, which is a good thing.

which leads me to the next topic of discussion, i currently am in cahoots with a lovely lady faculty member from UW Madison to start stirring a print co-op pots here in Madison. frustrated by the lack of public access printing facilities (particularly letterpress and screen), i posted to Briar Press about wanting to start my own collaborative. by some great online networking magic, her colleague in Alabama forwarded her my post and thus put her in contact with me.

she is an invaluable resource, full of information in regards the history of print co-ops in madison as well as a great connection to the art community (both within academia and out). and most of all, she is pleasant, and equally as excited about this idea.

we have a few more brainstorming meetings with an April public meeting goal in mind.

a last topic of note, in regards to being put back into work mode, i'm trying to get my ass in gear and work on a piece or two to enter into a juried exhibition. although my aesthetic probably won't match theirs, the 24th Annual Culture and Agriculture Exhibit is just around the corner. with little over a month to throw something together, i still intend to try. good practice. and shit, if i get in, all the better. if not, there is next year, when i'll definitely have work from this summer to enter.

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